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 The living evolves in finite viable contexts :

known today, a viable planet for a finite time near a star in the Universe.


The living needs therefore to cross its frontieres to be perennial.

3-Perenniality / 1-Stars way / 0

Let's start the stairways to the stars !



As the central node of this website shows (the Equality page), the "stairways to the stars" is not developped on this website on the technical point of view, but on its organizational point of view.


3-Perenniality / 1-Stars way / 1

​Indeed, technically we know...


... how to equip a planet with a digital ground and space telecommunication network, we know how to equip a planet with autonomous planes, we know how to send robots to explore our planets and surrounding rocks, we know how to build a space station where 6 people live there today permanently, we know how to walk on the Moon ...


Technically, we already have the knowledge and skills to build the space bases in orbit around the Earth and on other rocks of space where the Living will continue its way.


Do not believe that we will always have everything right at the first time and that our solutions will never fail afterwards: we may sink again some Titanics, burn another Apollo missions, or explode a nuclear power plants,... but this technical capacity that the Living has built allows us each time to learn from our mistakes, to reduce ever more the probability of these accidents, and is meaningful, from the quantum computer to the atomic energy, in the construction of this path of the Living beyond the meteorites and the disappearance of the Earth with its Sun.


For example today the access to space is extremely limited and not ecological. The payload of a rocket is less than 5%, for an empty mass around 10% and more than 85% of the rest of the rocket's take-off mass is fuel:


Even if a rocket flight does not directly pollute the atmosphere, the "fuel" being mainly a mixture of O2 and H2 producing water, the overall efficiency is very limited.


To increase right now our capacity to send people into space respecting more our environment, one idea could be to work on a concept of a rocket-car that would be accelerated horizontally on "rails" or in a tube to re-use the Hyperloop concept, using renewable electrical energy (hydraulic, wind, solar, high energy geothermal), then catapulted into space using a ramp that would lean on a mountain and redirect the rocket-car upwards to space (this concept in some way is similar to the Spinlaunch concept of "catapulting" rockets into space, without ignited thrusters in the atmosphere, but doing it linearly to carry passengers).


Very concretely, we could lean on the Himalayas (further south than the Cape Canaveral space base, therefore at a favorable attitude to take advantage of the sling effect of the Earth's rotation), with a ramp that could go up to an altitude of more than 7.5 km, i.e. an altitude where the density of the atmosphere is already 2 times lower than on the ground (therefore an aerodynamic drag 2 times less important), and launch the rocket-car with an initial high speed (for example about Mach 0.9 to avoid supersonic shocks near the ground).


The rocket-car would therefore be released at Mach 0.9 at an altitude of 7.5 km, i.e. having already left the densest layers of the atmosphere, with an initial speed allowing it to reach upper altitudes where the atmosphere is still less dense, to finally ignite its engine when it is already in flight and far from the Earth (combustion gas emitted outside the atmosphere plus very limited noise pollution) allowing it to accelerate up to 28 000 km/h and to reach the altitude of the International Space Station (ISS) for example.


With such a concept, the ratio payload / empty load / on-board fuel should be largely increased in favor of the payload.


This principle of horizontal acceleration with renewable energy could also be studied for aircrafts to perform the acceleration phase on the ground (a bit like the principle of catapults on aircraft carrier), phase ground which has a very poor energy efficiency and therefore a big ecological impact (important fossil fuel burn on ground).



Besides, with this greatly facilitated and more respectful of the Earth access to space, we could then study the sending of our hazardous waste, for which we have confirmation that we will never be able to recycle/use them in a secondary cycles (example of radioactive waste), towards our fusion power plant that recycles any waste into "original matter" which is the sun. As a reminder, the sun contains approximately 1,300,000 times the Earth in volume; so we can imagine the ease with which the sun would absorb our few tons of waste. Space access would therefore be a real opportunity to maintain the Earth biosphere in good shape...

3-Perenniality / 1-Stars way / 2

​On the biological point of view


As the living has made its way on its own, without the presence or intervention of the human species for most of its history, in most waters, on most lands and across the sky of the Earth over the last 3 billion years, a main way to end the collapse of biodiversity on Earth due to human activities, would therefore be to "leave room for the free proliferation of living beings", by LIMITING the presence and exploitation of the planet by the human species.

The living "would not be something controllable" and the human species should therefore not "intervene" too much in its preservation... except on the contrary "leaving space, air and water" to all living beings.


With this step back, we can realize that we are already on a "spaceship" crossing the Universe, our planet Earth being effectively a "pebble" not yet completely solidified moving in the Universe, on which the living has self-constructed a balance. The planet being finite, it is logical that limits exist. It turns out that in our 21st century we arrive at a stage of development of the human species where these limits of the terrestrial biosphere become "apparent" (IPCC/COP alerts) and must be integrated into our lifestyles to respect its balance.



In space, in the same way as on Earth, we can assume that as soon as a context meets certain viable conditions, the Living could be able to construct its path by itself in the same way as it did on Earth.​ Therefore, the viable belt around the Sun could offer places where water could be present with relatively suitable physical and chemical conditions for at least microscopic life to exist.


Thus, as the wind does, as many species do in their feathers, their droppings, by spreading the seeds of life throughout the planet... creating oases to the confines of the driest volcanic islands... a very concrete way to initiate the path to the stars for the Living could be to send a liter of sea water containing the whole Living archive of original cells that built up the biosphere on Earth, in all the spots of the viable belt around the sun where water is present and where physical conditions may suit, then let this microscopic life build new biospheres on new rocks of our solar system, in the same way as it did for the whole Living profusion on the Earth rock...


If a precautionary principle before launching will always be at least to check that there are not already traces of life on these new "territories", we can realize that over the 3.5 billion years of the existence of living beings on Earth, all species have extended their presence spontaneously without prior request to the species already present before their arrival and without upstream scientific study which would have established and weighed all the possible and imaginable consequences of these new encounters between species. This would mean that the journey of life into space would still require the audacity to take the plunge and accept not completely mastering the continued proliferation of life.

However, it is clearly no longer a question of behaving like "unconscious colonizers" who arrive, impose themselves and crush the living beings already present which "take up too much space", as the human species was able to do on these last millennia.

It is indeed a question of asking the question of THE PERENNIALITY OF THE LIVING, all species included, including possible species already present in the places where terrestrial living beings would build their path, and therefore the question of the serene COEVOLUTION of all species in the Universe, sometimes maybe requiring the absence of the human species in certain territories.

To build lasting space bases for living beings, in space emptiness or supported on other space rocks (Moon, Mars, asteroids, etc.), we could notably rely, through national scientific centers, on the zoos of the planet, these zoos gradually becoming over this century true centers for the preservation of living beings. Giant greenhouses like the one of the Beauval zoo, France, could for example provide the input/output flows of energy and matter (inert and living) necessary for the establishment of viable long-term cycles, which could serve as input data for the design and sizing of space bases.



Other avenues to always better understand the Living, understand its ability to transform and adapt to different environments, could also be to start branches of the Living in space without gravity  in the International Space Station and in the next space stations, by reproducing there progressively all the families of terrestrial species.

For example, instantly arrived in space, the architect of the skeleton in our human cells is inhibited due to the absence of gravity, and the skeleton of astronauts no longer having any function decalcifies.

Thus a question would be to know after how many generations a living being with a skeleton (for example mice whose reproduction cycle is very fast, up to 5 generations per year) would have completely adapted to no gravity by losing its skeleton and having acquired a spherical symmetry (no more vertical axis due to gravity, no more up side and down side).

Once these living beings have completely adapted to no gravity for a few generations, do the opposite exercise by sending them back to Earth, in different environments (earth, swamp / water, ...) to see how they evolve again and adapt themselves to gravity and their new environments, and in how many generations do they regain a level of adaptation equivalent to the one they had at the start.


These studies could be done with different types of species (insects, aquatic, flying, ...), by realizing the change of context (passage in space with no gravity) for an isolated species (the mice alone for example, keeping the diet the same as on Earth throughout the adaptation time); then by transfering in space with no gravity an entire food chain (from mycelium and plants ... to the mice for example), all living beings in the food chain having to adapt to the same variation of physical context . Study the differences in the evolution of species between these two cases.

In all these stages of adaptation and transformation, it would be particularly interesting to study from which moments these living beings, evolving in new contexts, are no longer of the same species as the starting group of living beings ( i.e. are no longer able to reproduce with the original species)?

This type of study should allow us to better understand the future of living beings in space with no gravity, and on other planets where life will perennialize its path... including the future of the human species and its evolutions, with the potential emergence of several intelligent species.

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​Thus for the organization


After these technical and biological reminders and opening tracks, this website wants to tackle the question of the “road to the stars” at the organizational level: to build a human organization which respects the Living in harmony with this very powerful technical capacity.


As explained on the Equality page, the power monopoly exercised by our exchange tool (money) at all scales is a direct lack of our humanist values ​​which generates an individual and collective blindness at the origin of our absurdities, our diverging economy and the lack of perspective.


The first step in the transformation is therefore:


Realize that the central tool of our organization and culture, money, may not be well defined to build a stable and perennial living organization that places man and life at the center, and that we will surely have to transform it to harmonize our global society.

3-Perenniality / 1-Stars way / 4

After analyzing our structural organizational inconsistencies, the Equality page offers a starting point to think about the construction of solutions.


Its purpose is to highlight and illustrate the minimum requirements that our human organization must meet in order for it to be in accordance with our human rights, our humanist values, and in capacity to respect the Living in which we exist.


The separation of Action and Distribution powers would make it possible to definitively eliminate the intrinsic conflict of our exchange tool:


  • by giving everyone a permanent, relevant, diversified activity (end of unemployment);


  • by covering the needs of all in a respectful and rewarding manner.

It clearly involves defining new referentials for our children today:


"When you grow up you should have a salary"

"The more money you have, the more successful you are..."


"Earn more, pay less" ... all these systemic reflexes at the base of our organization (and at the origin of its blindness and divergence), learned as the "reality of our world" from our early childhood, could no longer be taught to our children today.


For the moment, we could rather leave the door open to them towards a humanist organizational relevance:

"When you grow up, it is possible that the exchange tool (money) that we use today no longer exists, as we are currently working to organize ourselves differently with our global automation capacity, so that we all respect each other and respect our finite planet in a better way."

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Very concretely, we are fortunate to have the technical means already in place to transform: our world wide digital network tool, internet.


It is now possible for us to build a permanent passive digital structure that runs through our lives, a bit like the school structure, which would be supported by governments and intergovernmental organizations, which would allow a relevant coordination of everyone's action on one side, and distribution for all on the other, from the local (village, district,…) to the global (planet, space,…).


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This permanent structure, the Universal Particiaption, would not be a jail or the place for a human person passing by to express its despote powers. Similarly to school, this structure would be here to ensure in a passive way the participation of all and the improvement of the capacity of each one, up to realize our full potential our whole life-on.


We will be soon 8 billion people on the planet : if everyone participates to the Action relevantly for himself and for the society, all the more with the technological capacity that we have reached today, we should largely succeed in ensuring for all of us a future at least as comfortable as today with a very respectful pace of 36 working hours per week with 10 weeks of vacation per year.​


Whatever definition of "perfection" we have, LET'S NOT BELIEVE IN A "PERFECT" WORLD: there have been and there will always be technical errors, human errors, ideas that we will not be able to accept, differences that we will not be able to bear our whole life on, despair, rages,...


However, we can see that on a large scale, an organization like school is doing its job by transferring knowledge in a massive way to populations and teaching how to live together; and similarly technical solutions as aircrfats fly every day carrying millions of passengers without crash over the whole planet.


We are therefore able to build global operational solutions that work on a large scale for the greatest number.

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The Universal Participation intends to be a line of thought to transform the overall structure of the Monopoly game inherited from history currently in place on the planet, into an organization that places life and humans at the center and that enables to build a perennial life path on Earth and through space...

©2020 by Peace And Live

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